Sunday, February 28, 2010

Freedom and liberty

Are there limits to our rights? Should there be? Which right should we be willing to forfeit? Which one is not a God given right? Which one really doesn't define our free country? Why do we let our government meddle in God fearing people's lives? Should we give up the right to religious practice? The right of free speech? The right to assemble? The right to privacy? The right to bear arms? Our God how long will we suffer in a land of Baal? I am convinced that, "the Great and Abominable Church," referred to in the Bible is not a recognized religion, but it is "Collective Moral-ism" headed by the media and the United Nations. Congress and the governors of most states are complicit. The congregation are basically nearly the whole world's population. Not too many see where the Holy Bible fits in their lives. How sad that politics has replaced religious tenants. So many claim Christ as their personal savior, but don't believe his words. Are we destined for doom, or are we going to wake up? Our Constitution is a restriction on our government. Why don't we encourage them to see it? Write to your congressman or congresswoman and tell him/her that you will only vote for those who will, not just give lip service to the notion of upholding the Constitution, but will be like Ron Paul and live the Constitutional public life.

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